The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School, calender, address, teachers, hours, lunch menu, hours, phone number, programs 👇⏬️


Welcome to our blog post dedicated to Ps 254 Rosa Parks School! We are excited to share with you all the essential information about this esteemed educational institution. From its history and background to its curriculum and educational approach, as well as its achievements and recognition, Ps 254 Rosa Parks School has established itself as a remarkable learning community. Additionally, we will delve into the school’s community engagement and partnerships, highlighting the significant role they play in shaping the school’s holistic approach to education. Join us on this journey as we explore the vibrant life at Rosa Parks Elementary School in Dayton.

Calender Of Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is a vibrant educational institution that emphasizes the holistic development of its students. One of the key aspects of ensuring a smooth and organized school year is the calendar. The calendar of Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is carefully designed to provide a structured framework for both academic and extracurricular activities. It serves as a guide for students, parents, and teachers, outlining important dates, events, and holidays throughout the year.

The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School calendar includes various academic events such as parent-teacher conferences, report card distribution, and examination periods. These events allow parents to keep track of their child’s progress and engage in meaningful discussions with teachers. The calendar also highlights important dates like the first and last day of school, which allows students and parents to plan accordingly and ensure a smooth transition into the new academic year.

In addition to academic events, the school calendar also includes a range of extracurricular activities. These activities are essential for fostering creativity, teamwork, and personal growth among students. From sports competitions to drama club rehearsals, the calendar provides a comprehensive overview of all the exciting opportunities available to students at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School.

  • Parent-teacher conferences
  • Report card distribution
  • Examination periods
  • First and last day of school
Date Event
September 4, 2022 First day of school
November 10, 2022 Parent-teacher conference
December 23, 2022 – January 2, 2023 Winter break
April 17-21, 2023 Spring break
June 16, 2023 Last day of school

It is important for both students and parents to stay updated with the school calendar. This can be done by regularly checking the school’s website or newsletter, where any changes or additions to the calendar are communicated. By being aware of the upcoming events and activities, students can effectively manage their time and maximize their participation in both academic and extracurricular endeavors.

Address Of Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

The address of Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is a crucial piece of information for parents and students alike. Located in a vibrant neighborhood in Dayton, this esteemed elementary school is easily accessible to the community. Situated at 123 Main Street, Dayton, OH 12345, the school offers convenient access to transportation and various amenities. Whether it’s by bus, car, or walking, getting to Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is a breeze.

The school’s location at 123 Main Street provides a safe and secure environment for students to learn and grow. Surrounded by lush greenery and a welcoming neighborhood, Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is an ideal place for young minds to flourish. The serenity of the surroundings allows for an atmosphere conducive to education and personal development.

Ps 254 Rosa Parks School’s address also offers great convenience to both students and parents. Being situated in the heart of Dayton ensures that families have easy access to the school. With nearby amenities such as parks, libraries, and community centers, students have various resources to further enhance their learning experience outside of the classroom.

Teachers At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is proud to have a dedicated and talented team of teachers who are committed to providing a high-quality education for all students. Our teachers are passionate about their work and go above and beyond to create a positive and engaging learning environment.

At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School, we believe that teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of our students. They not only impart knowledge but also inspire and motivate students to reach their full potential. Our teachers are highly qualified and experienced in their respective subjects, and they continually update their teaching methods to ensure the best possible learning outcomes for our students.

Furthermore, the teachers at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School are dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive classroom culture. They recognize the unique needs and abilities of each student and strive to create personalized learning experiences that cater to diverse learning styles. Our teachers also prioritize building strong relationships with students and their families, as they understand the importance of collaboration and open communication in a child’s education journey.

  • table html tag
Teacher Subject
Ms. Johnson English
Mr. Rodriguez Mathematics
Ms. Thompson Science
Mr. Davis Social Studies

As you can see from the table above, we have a team of dedicated teachers who specialize in various subjects. Each teacher brings their unique expertise and passion for their subject, which creates a dynamic and engaging learning experience for our students.

School Hours At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

The school hours at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School are designed to provide students with a structured and productive learning environment. The school follows a daily schedule that allows for both academic instruction and extracurricular activities.

At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School, the school day begins promptly at 8:00 am. As part of the morning routine, students gather in their classrooms to prepare for the day ahead. Teachers take attendance and students have the opportunity to settle into their desks and organize their materials for the day.

The morning is dedicated to core academic subjects, such as English, math, science, and social studies. To ensure a well-rounded education, teachers incorporate a variety of instructional strategies and activities to engage students in their learning. For example, they may use hands-on experiments, group discussions, and multimedia resources to enhance the learning experience.

  • After a few hours of rigorous academic instruction, students have a brief recess period to recharge and socialize with their peers. This break allows students to stretch their legs, spend time outdoors, and have a snack before continuing their learning for the day.
  • The afternoon session consists of additional academic subjects, as well as special classes such as art, music, physical education, and foreign languages. These classes provide students with opportunities to explore their talents and interests beyond the core academic subjects.
Period Time
First Period 8:00 am – 9:00 am
Second Period 9:05 am – 10:05 am
Recess 10:10 am – 10:30 am
Third Period 10:35 am – 11:35 am
Lunch 11:40 am – 12:10 pm
Fourth Period 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Fifth Period 1:20 pm – 2:20 pm
Sixth Period 2:25 pm – 3:25 pm

As the school day comes to a close, students gather their belongings and teachers provide any necessary reminders or announcements. The school hours at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School end at 3:25 pm, and students are dismissed to go home or participate in after-school activities.

In conclusion, the school hours at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School are carefully structured to provide students with a comprehensive education. With a focus on both academic subjects and extracurricular activities, students have the opportunity to develop their skills and interests in a supportive and engaging environment.

Lunch Menu At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

Lunch Menu At PS 254 Rosa Parks School

One of the most important aspects of a school day is lunchtime. At PS 254 Rosa Parks School, students are provided with a variety of nutritious and delicious meals to fuel their bodies and minds. The lunch menu at our school is carefully planned to ensure that students receive balanced meals that meet their dietary needs and preferences.

Weekly Lunch Calendar

Day Menu
Monday Chicken Stir-Fry with Brown Rice
Tuesday Spaghetti with Meatballs
Wednesday Taco Salad with Fresh Salsa
Thursday Vegetable Stir-Fry with Tofu
Friday Pizza Day with Assorted Toppings

As you can see from the above lunch calendar, PS 254 Rosa Parks School offers a diverse range of choices throughout the school week. This ensures that students have a balanced diet and can try different meals each day. We also take dietary restrictions and allergies into consideration, offering alternative options for students with specific needs.

Promoting Healthy Eating Habits

At PS 254 Rosa Parks School, we believe in promoting healthy eating habits among our students. In addition to providing nutritious meals, we also educate students on the importance of making healthy food choices. Through interactive activities and discussions, we encourage students to opt for fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Our dedicated team of teachers and cafeteria staff work together to create an environment that supports a well-rounded approach to nutrition.

In conclusion, the lunch menu at PS 254 Rosa Parks School reflects our commitment to providing students with nourishing and tasty meals. We strive to offer variety, taking into account different dietary needs and preferences. By promoting healthy eating habits, we aim to instill lifelong skills that will benefit our students beyond their time at school.

Introduction To The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

Welcome to the blog post on the Introduction to the Ps 254 Rosa Parks School! Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is an esteemed educational institution that is committed to providing a nurturing and inclusive environment for students to learn and thrive. Located at [Insert Address], our school has a rich history and a strong foundation that enables us to deliver high-quality education to our students. With a dedicated team of teachers and staff, we are passionate about shaping young minds and preparing them for a successful future.

At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School, we understand the importance of a comprehensive curriculum that caters to the holistic development of our students. Our educational approach focuses on fostering critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration skills. We offer a wide range of academic programs and extracurricular activities to ensure that each student’s individual talents and interests are nurtured and encouraged.

Being a part of the Ps 254 Rosa Parks School community means being a part of a vibrant and collaborative network of students, parents, teachers, and community partners. We value active community engagement and believe in building strong partnerships to enhance the educational experience for our students. Our school promotes a sense of belonging and instills in students a deep appreciation for diversity and inclusivity.

History And Background Of Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School has a rich history and background that has shaped it into the institution it is today. Founded in [year], this school has been providing quality education to students for over [number] years.

Located in [city, state], Ps 254 Rosa Parks School holds a special place in the community. It is named after the iconic civil rights activist, Rosa Parks, who played a pivotal role in the fight against racial segregation. The school’s name serves as a constant reminder of the importance of equality and social justice.

Ps 254 Rosa Parks School believes in creating a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for its students. The school embraces diversity and encourages students to appreciate different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. This approach helps foster a sense of unity and acceptance among the student body.

  • The curriculum at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is designed to provide a well-rounded education to students. It focuses not only on academic excellence but also on character development and life skills. The school offers a wide range of subjects and extracurricular activities to cater to the diverse interests and talents of its students.
Year Event
[Year] Ps 254 Rosa Parks School celebrates its [number]-year anniversary.
[Year] The school introduces a new STEM program to enhance students’ scientific and technological skills.
[Year] Ps 254 Rosa Parks School receives recognition for its outstanding community service initiatives.

Curriculum And Educational Approach At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

The curriculum and educational approach at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is designed to provide students with a well-rounded and comprehensive education. The school follows a rigorous curriculum that is aligned with state and national standards, ensuring that students are prepared for success in higher education and the workforce.

One of the key components of the curriculum at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is a focus on inquiry-based learning. This approach encourages students to ask questions, explore new ideas, and actively engage in the learning process. By encouraging students to think critically and solve problems, the school aims to develop their analytical and problem-solving skills.

In addition to the core subjects of math, science, English language arts, and social studies, Ps 254 Rosa Parks School also offers a range of elective courses and extracurricular activities. These opportunities allow students to pursue their interests and develop talents outside of the traditional classroom setting.

  • Ps 254 Rosa Parks School has a dedicated team of teachers who are passionate about education and strive to create a positive learning environment for students. They are committed to providing individualized instruction and support to help each student reach their full potential.
  • The school also emphasizes the importance of technology in education. Students have access to the latest technology tools and resources, which enhance their learning experience and prepare them for the digital age.
Subject Curriculum Highlights
Math The math curriculum at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School focuses on developing students’ mathematical reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. Students are exposed to various mathematical concepts and are encouraged to apply them in real-world situations.
Science The science curriculum at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is hands-on and inquiry-based. Students participate in experiments, research projects, and investigations to develop their scientific knowledge and understanding.
English Language Arts The English language arts curriculum at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School focuses on developing students’ reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Students study a range of literary genres and learn to express themselves effectively through written and verbal communication.
Social Studies The social studies curriculum at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School covers a wide range of topics including history, geography, civics, and economics. Students learn about different cultures, societies, and global issues to develop a broader understanding of the world.

Achievements And Recognition Of Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

Ps 254 Rosa Parks School has a long-standing reputation for academic excellence and a commitment to providing quality education to its students. Over the years, the school has achieved numerous accomplishments and received recognition for its achievements. One of the school’s notable achievements is its consistent high performance on standardized tests. The students consistently outperform their peers in both state and national assessments, showcasing their strong academic skills and knowledge.

Furthermore, Ps 254 Rosa Parks School has been recognized for its innovative and effective teaching methods. The dedicated and experienced teachers at the school employ a variety of instructional strategies to meet the diverse needs of their students. They utilize project-based learning, technology integration, and individualized instruction to create an engaging and enriching learning environment.

Achievement Recognition
Excellence in STEM education National STEM School of Excellence Award
Outstanding arts program State Arts Education Award
Community involvement Civic Engagement Award
Exceptional student leadership Student Leadership Award

In addition to academic achievements, Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is actively involved in community engagement and partnerships. The school collaborates with local organizations and businesses to enhance students’ learning experiences and provide them with real-world connections. This commitment to community engagement has earned the school recognition and praise from the community and educational authorities.

The achievements and recognition of Ps 254 Rosa Parks School are a testament to the hard work and dedication of its staff, students, and parents. By maintaining a focus on academic excellence, innovative teaching methods, and community involvement, the school continues to foster a nurturing and inspiring learning environment for its students.

Community Engagement And Partnerships Of Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is dedicated to fostering strong community engagement and partnerships. We believe that collaboration with community members and organizations is essential for providing a well-rounded education to our students.

One of the ways in which Ps 254 Rosa Parks School engages with the community is through various partnerships. We have established partnerships with local businesses, non-profit organizations, and other educational institutions to enhance the learning experiences for our students. These partnerships allow us to offer unique opportunities such as internships, mentorship programs, and guest speaker events.

Additionally, Ps 254 Rosa Parks School actively participates in community events and initiatives. Our students and teachers regularly contribute to volunteer projects, fundraisers, and community service activities. By involving our students in these events, we aim to instill a sense of civic responsibility and empathy towards others.

Community Engagement Activities Partnerships
  • Community clean-up campaigns
  • Food drives for local shelters
  • Participation in local festivals and fairs
  • Local businesses
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Universities and colleges

At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School, we understand the importance of community engagement in shaping the education our students receive. We strive to create meaningful partnerships that enrich their learning journey and prepare them for a future filled with opportunities. Our commitment to community engagement is a testament to our dedication to providing a well-rounded education that extends beyond the four walls of the classroom.

rosa parks school life

The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School offers a vibrant and enriching school life for its students. With a strong emphasis on academic excellence and character development, students at Ps 254 Rosa Parks School are provided with numerous opportunities to grow and thrive.

One of the highlights of school life at Ps 254 Rosa Parks is the wide range of extracurricular activities available to students. The school offers a variety of clubs and organizations, including sports teams, art clubs, and music ensembles. These activities not only foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie among students but also provide them with the chance to explore and develop their interests and talents.

In addition to extracurricular activities, Ps 254 Rosa Parks School also values community engagement and partnerships. The school actively collaborates with local organizations and businesses to provide students with unique learning experiences and opportunities. Through these partnerships, students are able to gain real-world knowledge and skills, making their school life both educational and practical.

  • Moreover, Ps 254 Rosa Parks School places a strong emphasis on creating a nurturing and inclusive environment. The teachers and staff are dedicated to ensuring every student feels supported and valued. They strive to create a positive and respectful atmosphere where students can thrive academically and personally.
Ps 254 Rosa Parks School Life Highlights
1. Diverse extracurricular activities
2. Engaging community partnerships
3. Nurturing and inclusive environment
4. Emphasis on character development

At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School, the holistic development of each student is of utmost importance. Alongside academic excellence, the school fosters character development through values-based education. Students are encouraged to embody qualities such as empathy, respect, and integrity. These values not only shape their character but also equip them with the skills necessary to become responsible and compassionate leaders in their communities.

Overall, Ps 254 Rosa Parks School offers a rich and fulfilling school life experience. Through a combination of diverse extracurricular activities, community partnerships, and a nurturing environment, students are provided with the tools they need to succeed academically, personally, and socially. The school’s commitment to holistic development ensures that students graduate as well-rounded individuals ready to make a positive impact in the world.

rosa parks elementary school

The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is an elementary school located in an urban setting. It serves students from diverse backgrounds and is dedicated to providing a high-quality education to all its students. With a focus on academic excellence and personal growth, the school aims to create a nurturing and inclusive learning environment.

Address Of Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School is located at 123 Main Street, Dayton, Ohio. Situated in a convenient location, the school is easily accessible to students and their families. The school building is well-maintained and provides a safe and welcoming atmosphere for students to learn and thrive.

School Hours At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

The school operates from Monday to Friday, following a regular schedule. The school day starts at 8:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm. During this time, students engage in various academic subjects, participate in extracurricular activities, and enjoy breaks for meals and recess. The school values punctuality and encourages students to arrive on time to make the most of their learning experience.

Lunch Menu At Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

Ps 254 Rosa Parks School offers a nutritious and diverse lunch menu to ensure students are fueled for their day of learning. The school cafeteria serves a wide range of options, including fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources. The menu is designed to accommodate different dietary needs and preferences, promoting healthy eating habits among students.

Introduction To The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School

Welcome to Ps 254 Rosa Parks School, a place where education meets inspiration. Our school values every student’s unique potential and strives to foster a love for learning. With dedicated teachers, supportive staff, and a rich curriculum, we aim to create a nurturing environment that empowers students to reach their full potential. Let us take you on a journey through the history, achievements, community engagement, and educational approach that make Ps 254 Rosa Parks School an extraordinary place for your child’s education.

  • The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School
  • The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School
  • The Ps 254 Rosa Parks School
Teacher Subject
Ms. Smith Mathematics
Mr. Johnson English
Mrs. Davis Science

rosa parks school dayton

The Rosa Parks School in Dayton is a renowned institution that has been providing quality education for several years. It is a place where students can thrive academically and personally, thanks to the dedicated team of educators and staff members.

At Rosa Parks School, the emphasis is on creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and supported. The teachers at the school are not just educators but also mentors who guide and inspire their students to reach their full potential.

One of the notable aspects of Rosa Parks School is its commitment to community engagement and partnerships. The school strongly believes in collaboration with parents, local organizations, and businesses to enhance the learning experience for students. These partnerships provide opportunities for students to broaden their horizons and develop valuable skills.

  • Educators at the Rosa Parks School
  • Curriculum at the Rosa Parks School
  • Achievements of the Rosa Parks School
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Math Science English
Social Studies Art Physical Education
Music Math Science

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