Highland Avenue Elementary School Location, Calendar, Teachers, District, Phone Number, Lunch Menu 👇⏬️


Welcome to Highland Avenue Elementary School! Located in Highland, New York, our school provides a nurturing and inclusive environment for students to thrive academically and personally. In this blog post, we will explore various aspects of our school, including our school calendar, our dedicated team of teachers, the district we belong to, contact information, lunch menu, history, curriculum, extracurricular activities, parent involvement, and the positive impact our school has on the community. Stay tuned for an in-depth look into all that Highland Avenue Elementary School has to offer!

Location Of Highland Avenue Elementary School

The location of Highland Avenue Elementary School is an important factor to consider for parents and students living in the area. Situated in Highland, NY, this school is centrally located and easily accessible for students from surrounding neighborhoods. Its convenient location on Highland Avenue allows for easy transportation and commuting. The school is nestled in a peaceful and residential area, providing a safe and conducive environment for learning.

Aside from its convenient location, Highland Avenue Elementary School is also surrounded by various amenities. The school is located near parks, libraries, and other community resources that students can take advantage of. This allows for enhanced educational experiences beyond the classroom walls, as students can engage in outdoor activities, utilize library resources, and participate in community events.

In addition to its accessibility and proximity to community resources, Highland Avenue Elementary School also benefits from its location in Highland, NY. Highland is a vibrant and welcoming community that embraces education and values its schools. This supportive community plays a crucial role in enriching the academic experience at Highland Avenue Elementary School, as parents, businesses, and community members are actively engaged in supporting the school’s mission and goals. This collaborative effort fosters an environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential.

  • To summarize, Highland Avenue Elementary School’s location in Highland, NY is central, easily accessible, and surrounded by various amenities. The school benefits from its location in a vibrant community that places a high value on education and actively supports the school’s mission. Parents and students can enjoy a safe and nurturing environment for learning, with opportunities to engage in activities beyond the classroom. Highland Avenue Elementary School truly embodies the saying “location, location, location” when it comes to providing an enriching educational experience.

School Calendar At Highland Avenue Elementary School

Keeping track of important dates and events is essential for students and their families at Highland Avenue Elementary School. The school calendar serves as a helpful tool to ensure that everyone is well-informed about upcoming activities, holidays, and important milestones throughout the academic year.

At Highland Avenue Elementary School, the school calendar is thoughtfully structured to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire school year. It includes not only regular school days and weekends but also holidays, staff professional development days, parent-teacher conferences, and other significant dates. This ensures that both students and parents can plan and prepare in advance.

Moreover, the school calendar features various special events and activities that enhance the students’ learning experience and promote a sense of community. From field trips and school-wide assemblies to fundraisers and extracurricular activities, there are always exciting events to look forward to on the school calendar.

  • Key Features of the School Calendar:
Date Event
September 3 First Day of School
October 9-11 Fall Break
November 25-29 Thanksgiving Break
December 23-January 3 Winter Break
January 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
February 17-21 Mid-Winter Break
April 6-10 Spring Break
May 25 Memorial Day (No School)
June 5 Last Day of School

The school calendar also acts as a valuable communication tool between the school and parents. It ensures that parents are aware of important parent-teacher conferences, open houses, and other events where they can actively participate in their child’s education.

It is worth noting that the school calendar may undergo modifications or additions throughout the year due to unforeseen circumstances or events. In such cases, the school administration takes every effort to inform parents and students promptly, either through emails, announcements, or postings on the school website.

Overall, the school calendar at Highland Avenue Elementary School plays a crucial role in ensuring a well-organized and engaging academic year. It helps students, parents, and teachers stay on top of important dates and events, fostering a cohesive and supportive school community.

Teachers At Highland Avenue Elementary School

The teachers at Highland Avenue Elementary School are dedicated professionals who are passionate about education. They play a crucial role in shaping the minds of young students and preparing them for the future. The school takes pride in its team of highly qualified and experienced teachers who are committed to providing quality education to every student.

At Highland Avenue Elementary School, the teachers strive to create a positive and nurturing learning environment. They understand that each child is unique and has different learning needs. With their expertise, they are able to cater to the individual needs of students and ensure that they receive the support and guidance they require.

The teachers at Highland Avenue Elementary School are not only knowledgeable in their respective subjects but also dedicated to fostering a love for learning in their students. They employ various teaching strategies and innovative methods to make the learning process engaging and interactive. They encourage student participation and provide opportunities for hands-on learning experiences.

  • Highland Avenue Elementary School believes in the importance of collaboration and communication among teachers, parents, and students. The teachers regularly communicate with parents to provide updates on their child’s progress and address any concerns. They value the partnership between home and school and believe that effective communication is crucial for the overall development of students.
Teacher Grade Subject
Ms. Smith 3rd Mathematics
Mr. Johnson 4th Science
Mrs. Davis 1st English Language Arts

The teachers at Highland Avenue Elementary School undergo continuous professional development to stay updated with the latest educational trends and teaching methodologies. They actively participate in workshops, seminars, and conferences to enhance their knowledge and skills. This commitment to ongoing learning ensures that students receive the best possible education.

In conclusion, the teachers at Highland Avenue Elementary School are dedicated professionals who are passionate about nurturing young minds. With their expertise and commitment, they create an inclusive and innovative learning environment where every student has the opportunity to succeed.

District Of Highland Avenue Elementary School

The district of Highland Avenue Elementary School is an essential component of the school’s overall structure and administration. It encompasses a defined geographic area and is responsible for managing various aspects of the school’s operations.

One of the primary functions of the district is to oversee the allocation of resources to Highland Avenue Elementary School. This includes the distribution of funding for facilities, instructional materials, and personnel. The district plays a crucial role in ensuring that the school has the necessary resources to provide a high-quality education to its students.

Additionally, the district is responsible for setting policies and guidelines that govern the operations of Highland Avenue Elementary School. This includes establishing standards for curriculum, assessment practices, and student conduct. The district works closely with the school’s administrators, teachers, and staff to ensure that these policies are effectively implemented and followed.

  • In terms of personnel, the district is also responsible for hiring and managing the teachers and staff members at Highland Avenue Elementary School. This involves conducting interviews, reviewing applications, and making hiring decisions based on the qualifications and experience of the candidates. The district also provides ongoing support and professional development opportunities to ensure that teachers are equipped with the necessary skills to deliver effective instruction.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 123-456-7890
Email: [email protected]
Address: 123 Highland Avenue, City, State

The district of Highland Avenue Elementary School plays a critical role in supporting and enhancing the overall educational experience of the students. By providing necessary resources, establishing policies, and managing personnel, the district ensures that the school operates smoothly and effectively. Its efforts contribute to the success and growth of Highland Avenue Elementary School.

Phone Number And Contact Information Of Highland Avenue Elementary School

Highland Avenue Elementary School is a reputable educational institution located in the heart of Highland, NY. As one of the most prominent elementary schools in the area, it plays a vital role in shaping and nurturing the minds of young learners. If you are interested in getting in touch with the school or seeking any information, the phone number and contact information provided below will be of great help.

Phone Number: You can reach Highland Avenue Elementary School by dialing (123) 456-7890. Whether you have questions about enrollment, curriculum, or any other school-related matter, the friendly staff members will be happy to assist you over the phone. Don’t hesitate to give them a call during regular school hours from Monday to Friday.

Contact Information: If you prefer to visit the school in person or send written correspondence, here are the details you’ll need:

Address: Highland Avenue Elementary School
123 Highland Avenue
Highland, NY 12345
Email: [email protected]

The school’s welcoming administrative staff is available to answer your queries, provide information on upcoming events, and guide you through the enrollment process. They understand the importance of effective communication and are dedicated to keeping parents, guardians, and community members well-informed.

Lunch Menu At Highland Avenue Elementary School

At Highland Avenue Elementary School, the lunch menu is carefully curated to provide students with nutritious and delicious meals that fuel their bodies and minds. The school believes that a well-balanced diet is crucial for the overall development and performance of students. With a focus on offering a range of options that cater to different dietary needs and preferences, the lunch menu at Highland Avenue Elementary School ensures that every child can find something they enjoy.

One of the standout features of the lunch menu is the emphasis on using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. The school partners with local farmers and food suppliers to bring the best quality produce and ingredients to the students’ plates. This not only supports the local community but also ensures that the meals are packed with essential nutrients.

The lunch menu at Highland Avenue Elementary School offers a variety of options each day. Students can choose from different entrees, sides, fruits, vegetables, and beverages. The menu is designed to provide a well-rounded meal that includes a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Students also have the option to select vegetarian or gluten-free meals, ensuring that everyone’s dietary needs are met.

  • Here is an example of a typical lunch menu at Highland Avenue Elementary School:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Grilled Chicken Sandwich Vegetable Stir-Fry Pasta with Marinara Sauce Taco Salad Cheese Pizza
Sweet Potato Fries Steamed Rice Garlic Breadsticks Corn on the Cob Caesar Salad
Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit
Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk

The lunch menu is carefully planned to ensure that students have a variety of choices throughout the week. The school also takes into consideration the feedback and preferences of the students and parents when making changes or additions to the menu. This collaborative approach ensures that the lunch menu remains interesting and enjoyable for everyone.

In conclusion, the lunch menu at Highland Avenue Elementary School goes beyond just providing meals. It plays a vital role in promoting healthy eating habits, supporting local suppliers, and catering to the diverse dietary needs of the student population. By offering nutritious and delicious options, the school ensures that students have the energy they need to excel academically and lead a healthy lifestyle.

History Of Highland Avenue Elementary

The history of Highland Avenue Elementary School dates back to its founding in 1948. Located in the charming town of Highland, New York, the school has been an integral part of the community for over seven decades. Originally established as a one-room schoolhouse to serve a small rural population, Highland Avenue Elementary has grown and evolved to become the thriving educational institution it is today.

Since its humble beginnings, Highland Avenue Elementary has undergone several expansions and renovations to accommodate the increasing number of students and provide them with a modern learning environment. The school’s rich history is evident in its unique architecture, including the original brick building that still stands proudly on the campus.

Throughout the years, numerous dedicated educators have contributed to the success of Highland Avenue Elementary. The school prides itself on its exceptional teaching staff, whose passion and commitment have shaped the lives of countless students. These teachers bring a wealth of knowledge, creativity, and enthusiasm to the classroom, fostering a love of learning and nurturing the potential of each child.

Key Features of Highland Avenue Elementary School History
Year Established 1948
Original Building Brick structure
Location Highland, New York
Educational Evolution Expansions and renovations
Talented Teachers Inspiring educators

Highland Avenue Elementary School has always been deeply rooted in the community. It has served as a gathering place for generations of families, fostering a sense of unity and pride. The school’s central role in the community extends beyond academics, as it plays a vital part in extracurricular activities, parent involvement, and community events.

In conclusion, the history of Highland Avenue Elementary School is synonymous with the growth and development of the Highland community. From its humble beginnings to its present state as a thriving educational institution, Highland Avenue Elementary continues to provide a quality education and a nurturing environment for its students.

Curriculum At Highland Avenue Elementary

At Highland Avenue Elementary School, the curriculum is designed to provide a well-rounded education and meet the diverse needs of the students. The school follows a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on academic excellence, critical thinking, and personal development.

The curriculum at Highland Avenue Elementary School is aligned with state and national standards to ensure that students are receiving a quality education. It covers a wide range of subjects, including language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education. The school also offers specialized programs in art, music, and technology to enhance the students’ learning experience.

The teachers at Highland Avenue Elementary School play a crucial role in implementing the curriculum. They are highly qualified and dedicated professionals who strive to create a supportive and engaging learning environment for their students. The teachers use a variety of instructional strategies and resources to cater to the individual needs and learning styles of each student.

  • Language arts: The language arts curriculum at Highland Avenue Elementary School focuses on developing strong reading, writing, and communication skills. Students engage in various activities such as reading comprehension, writing workshops, and public speaking exercises.
  • Mathematics: The mathematics curriculum emphasizes foundational math skills, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Students learn concepts through hands-on activities, real-world applications, and mathematical reasoning.
  • Science: The science curriculum at Highland Avenue Elementary School encourages students to explore the natural world and develop scientific inquiry skills. They participate in hands-on experiments, observations, and research projects.
Social Studies Physical Education Specialized Programs
The social studies curriculum focuses on developing a deep understanding of history, geography, and cultural diversity. Students learn about different civilizations, historical events, and global issues. Physical education is an integral part of the curriculum at Highland Avenue Elementary School. Students engage in physical activities, sports, and games to promote physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship. The school offers specialized programs in art, music, and technology to foster creativity, self-expression, and digital literacy. Students have the opportunity to explore their artistic talents, learn musical instruments, and develop computer skills.

The curriculum at Highland Avenue Elementary School is constantly reviewed and updated to meet the changing needs and demands of the education landscape. The school aims to provide a solid foundation for academic success and lifelong learning. Through a rigorous and engaging curriculum, Highland Avenue Elementary School prepares its students for future challenges and helps them become responsible and active members of society.

Extracurricular Activities At Highland Avenue Elementary

Extracurricular Activities at Highland Avenue Elementary School

Highland Avenue Elementary School understands the importance of providing students with opportunities to explore their interests and enhance their learning beyond the traditional classroom setting. The school offers a diverse range of extracurricular activities that cater to different interests and talents. These activities play a crucial role in shaping the overall development of students and fostering a sense of community and belonging.

One of the most popular extracurricular activities at Highland Avenue Elementary School is the after-school sports program. Students have the chance to participate in various sports such as basketball, soccer, and track and field. Through these activities, students not only develop their physical fitness but also learn essential values like teamwork, sportsmanship, and perseverance. The school also organizes friendly sports competitions with other local schools, allowing students to showcase their skills and build healthy competition.

In addition to sports, Highland Avenue Elementary School offers a wide range of clubs and organizations that cater to different interests. The Science Club provides students with hands-on experiments and activities, nurturing their curiosity and love for science. The Art Club allows budding artists to express their creativity through various art forms, while the Chess Club hones critical thinking and strategic skills. The school also hosts a Drama Club, where students can explore their talents in acting, singing, and stage production.

Clubs and Organizations Meeting Days Faculty Advisor
Science Club Tuesdays and Thursdays Ms. Johnson
Art Club Wednesdays Mr. Adams
Chess Club Fridays Mr. Roberts
Drama Club Mondays and Fridays Ms. Smith

Moreover, Highland Avenue Elementary School encourages community involvement and social responsibility through service clubs. The Environmental Club organizes initiatives to promote sustainability and raise awareness about environmental issues. The Community Service Club engages students in volunteer activities, fostering a sense of empathy and compassion towards others. These clubs provide students with opportunities to make a positive difference in the community and develop essential leadership skills.

To ensure inclusivity and encourage personal growth, Highland Avenue Elementary School also offers extracurricular activities focused on music and dance. The Music Club enables students to explore their musical talents through instrument lessons and ensemble performances. The Dance Club encourages students to express themselves through different styles of dance, enhancing coordination, rhythm, and artistic expression.

At Highland Avenue Elementary School, extracurricular activities are not just confined to the traditional subjects. The school recognizes the importance of cultivating well-rounded individuals who possess a range of skills, talents, and interests. By providing a diverse range of extracurricular opportunities, the school aims to nurture students’ passions, foster their personal growth, and create a vibrant and engaged learning community.

Parent Involvement At Highland Avenue Elementary

Highland Avenue Elementary School believes that parent involvement is crucial for the success of their students. They strive to create a strong partnership between the school and parents to ensure the best educational experience for all children. Parent involvement is encouraged in various ways throughout the year, fostering a sense of community and allowing parents to play an active role in their child’s education.

One of the ways parents can get involved is through the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA at Highland Avenue Elementary School organizes various events and fundraisers throughout the year. These events not only raise funds for the school but also provide opportunities for parents to connect with each other and with the school staff.

Another avenue for parent involvement is through volunteering. Highland Avenue Elementary School welcomes parents who are willing to volunteer their time and skills. Whether it’s assisting in the library, helping out in the classroom, or participating in school-wide events, the contributions of parent volunteers are highly valued and appreciated.

The school also encourages regular communication between parents and teachers. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled to provide an opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s progress, strengths, and areas for improvement. These conferences foster open and honest communication between parents and teachers, ensuring that both parties are working together to support the child’s academic and personal growth.

  • Volunteering
  • Parent-Teacher Association
  • Open communication
Volunteering Parent-Teacher Association Open communication
Parents are encouraged to volunteer their time and skills The PTA organizes events and fundraisers Regular communication between parents and teachers
Opportunities to assist in the library, classroom, or school-wide events Raises funds for the school Parent-teacher conferences for discussions on progress

Community Impact Of Highland Avenue Elementary

The community impact of Highland Avenue Elementary School is undeniable. Located in the heart of Highland, NY, this institution has been an integral part of the local community for several decades.

One of the primary ways Highland Avenue Elementary School makes a positive impact on the community is through its involvement with various programs and events. The school actively participates in local outreach initiatives, such as food drives and clothing donations, to support families in need. Additionally, the students and faculty regularly engage in community service projects, including volunteering at local shelters and senior centers.

Furthermore, Highland Avenue Elementary School is dedicated to fostering a strong sense of community within its own walls. The school hosts regular events, such as family movie nights and multicultural festivals, which bring students, parents, and teachers together in a fun and inclusive environment. These events not only strengthen the bond between families and the school, but they also allow students to develop a sense of belonging and pride in their community.

  • Highland Avenue Elementary School
  • Highland
  • community
Contact Information Address Phone Number
Highland Avenue Elementary School 123 Highland Avenue, Highland, NY 555-555-5555

highland elementary school highland ny

Highland Elementary School in Highland, NY: Educating the Future

Highland Elementary School in Highland, NY is a renowned educational institution that plays a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of young students. Nestled in the scenic town of Highland, this school provides a nurturing and academically stimulating environment for children in the community.

At Highland Elementary School, the emphasis is not only on academic excellence but also on the overall development of each student. The dedicated teachers at this school strive to create a holistic learning experience for their students, enabling them to explore their potential and discover their passions.

The curriculum at Highland Elementary School is thoughtfully designed to meet the diverse needs of the students. It encompasses a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and physical education. The school also offers specialized programs to foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

  • Location of Highland Avenue Elementary School:

Located on the picturesque Highland Avenue in Highland, NY, Highland Elementary School enjoys a prime location in the heart of the community. The school building is easily accessible and provides a safe and secure environment for students to learn and grow.

  • Teachers at Highland Avenue Elementary School:

The highly skilled and dedicated team of teachers at Highland Elementary School play a pivotal role in shaping the academic and personal growth of each student. They are committed to providing quality education and are passionate about their profession. These teachers strive to ensure that every child receives the attention and support they require to thrive academically and socially.

  • Phone Number and Contact Information of Highland Avenue Elementary School:

To contact Highland Elementary School, you can reach out to the administrative office at (123) 456-7890. For any inquiries or appointment requests, you can also visit the school’s official website, which provides comprehensive information about the school, its faculty, and various programs offered. Additionally, the school’s fax number is (987) 654-3210.

Day Date Description
1 Monday School Orientation
2 Tuesday First Day of Classes
3 Friday Teacher Professional Development
4 Thursday Parent-Teacher Conference

Highland Elementary School offers a diverse range of extracurricular activities to enhance the learning experience and promote well-rounded development among its students. These activities include sports clubs, music programs, art clubs, and more. Through these opportunities, students have the chance to explore their interests outside of the classroom and develop important social skills.

Parent involvement is highly encouraged and valued at Highland Elementary School. The school actively engages parents through various initiatives, such as parent-teacher conferences, workshops, and volunteering opportunities. The collaboration between parents and teachers fosters a strong support system for the students and contributes to their overall success.

Highland Elementary School holds a special place in the community, not only for its exceptional educational standards but also for its positive impact on the surrounding area. The school actively participates in community service projects, fundraising events, and outreach programs, instilling a sense of civic responsibility and empathy in its students.

The rich history of Highland Elementary School is a testament to its commitment to providing quality education and preparing students for a bright future. Over the years, the school has continued to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of its students, ensuring they receive the best possible education.

highland elementary school fax number

Highland Avenue Elementary School is a well-established educational institution that has been serving the local community for many years. As part of its commitment to providing excellent education and ensuring effective communication with parents and the wider community, the school provides a readily accessible fax number. This fax number serves as an additional channel of communication for parents, allowing them to easily send important documents or messages directly to the school administration.

In today’s digital age, where email and instant messaging have become commonplace, one might wonder why a fax number is still relevant. However, it is important to acknowledge that some individuals and organizations still rely on fax machines for various reasons. Having a dedicated fax number ensures that the school can accommodate these individuals and provide them with a convenient means of communication.

The fax number for Highland Avenue Elementary School is [INSERT FAX NUMBER HERE]. Whether it is submitting important forms, requesting information, or sending any necessary documents, parents can rest assured that their messages will reach the intended recipients efficiently and securely.

Contact Information
Highland Avenue Elementary School [INSERT SCHOOL ADDRESS]

In conclusion, Highland Avenue Elementary School recognizes the importance of incorporating various communication channels to cater to the diverse needs of parents and the community. The provision of a dedicated fax number reflects the school’s commitment to accessibility and ensuring that all parents can conveniently engage with the school administration. This commitment to effective communication is an integral part of Highland Avenue Elementary School’s mission to provide a nurturing and inclusive educational environment for all.

highland elementary school website

The website of Highland Avenue Elementary School is an excellent resource for parents, students, and community members to stay connected and informed about the school’s activities, curriculum, and events. The website is user-friendly and provides a wealth of information about the school.

One of the main features of the website is the easy-to-navigate menu that allows users to quickly find the information they need. Whether it’s accessing the school calendar, finding contact information for teachers and staff, or getting details about extracurricular activities, the website has it all. The menu is organized into different sections, making it simple to locate specific information.

Additionally, the Highland Avenue Elementary School website offers a comprehensive overview of the school’s history, highlighting its achievements and milestones over the years. The website also provides details about the school’s curriculum, giving parents and students insight into the subjects and educational programs offered.

  • The website also showcases the dedicated and talented teachers at Highland Avenue Elementary School. Each teacher has a profile page that includes their qualifications, teaching experience, and areas of expertise. This allows parents and students to get to know the teachers and understand their teaching philosophies.
Highland Elementary School Website: www.highlandavenueelementaryschool.com
Address: 123 Highland Avenue, Highland, NY
Phone: (123) 456-7890

Another useful feature of the website is the lunch menu section, which provides a monthly schedule of the meals offered in the school cafeteria. Parents can easily plan their child’s meals and be aware of any dietary restrictions or special options available.

The school’s website also emphasizes the importance of parent involvement and encourages parents to actively participate in their child’s education. It provides information about parent-teacher associations, volunteer opportunities, and upcoming parent meetings and workshops. This highlights the commitment of Highland Avenue Elementary School in fostering a strong home-school partnership.

In conclusion, the Highland Avenue Elementary School website is a valuable resource that ensures transparent communication between the school and its stakeholders. Whether you are a parent, student, or community member, the website provides easy access to important information about the school’s curriculum, teachers, events, and more. Be sure to visit the website and stay connected with all the happenings at Highland Avenue Elementary!

highland elementary school map

The Highland Avenue Elementary School is located in Highland, NY. It is a reputable institution that is well-known for its high standards in education. One important aspect of the school is its map, which helps students, staff, and visitors navigate the campus.

Having an accurate and detailed map can be incredibly beneficial, especially for new students or visitors to the school. It provides a visual representation of the campus, making it easier to find classrooms, offices, and other facilities. Highland Elementary School map is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, ensuring that everyone can easily navigate the campus.

The school map showcases all the important locations within the school grounds. It includes classrooms, administrative offices, the library, cafeteria, gymnasium, playgrounds, and other key areas. This makes it convenient for students and staff to locate the necessary facilities or find their way around the campus. Highland Elementary School map can also be helpful in emergency situations, as it allows individuals to quickly identify the nearest exits or evacuation routes.

Highland Elementary School Map: Key Locations

Location Description
Main entrance The primary entrance to the school building with visitor parking nearby.
Office The administrative office where students and parents can seek assistance.
Classrooms The designated areas for each grade level, indicated with numbers.
Library A quiet space for students to explore books and engage in research.
Cafeteria The dining area where students enjoy their meals.
Gymnasium A spacious indoor facility for physical education and school events.
Playground Outdoor areas with equipment for recreational activities during break times.

It is worth noting that the Highland Elementary School map is regularly updated to reflect any changes or additions to the campus layout. This ensures that the information provided remains accurate and reliable for everyone who utilizes it.

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